Is Steel Magnetic? Magnetic and Non Magnetic Steel Grades

Stainless steel is one of the common alloys that is present around you. why is that? It is because it is cheap, easily available and has many interesting features. The most interesting part is its magnetic properties. At some point in your life, you must have thought or maybe is steel magnetic or nonmagnetic? Probably if you have asked someone else, you might have received a response. So, this article is for the people who are confused about the magnetic properties of steel or want to know about the magnetic nature of steels.
There are many compositions of steels. And you will be surprised that not all can be categorized as magnetic or nonmagnetic. This all depends on their composition, processing conditions, properties, and applications. This article will highlight some basic facts about the compositions of steels and finally the magnetic properties of steels.
Click the links below to skip to the section in the guide:
Is 300 Series Stainless Steel Magnetic
Is 400 Series Stainless Steel Magnetic
Magnetic Stainless Steels Grades Chart
Non Magnetic Steel Grades Chart
Does Magnet Stick to Stainless Steels?
Influence of Machining on the Magnetic Properties of Steel
Understanding Stainless Steel
Stainless steel alloy is made up of carbon, iron, and chromium. It also includes some other alloying elements like aluminum, nickel, cobalt, copper, and many other elements depending on the applications. It is one of the most widely used structural alloys because of its outstanding properties. It has extraordinary resistance to corrosion good durability, strength, and long service life. It implies it can be utilized in a variety of conditions and applications. The application areas involve civil, automotive, aerospace, aircraft, medical and many more.
Is 300 Series Stainless Steel Magnetic
No, 300 series stainless steel is not magnetic. You must be wondering why? The answer is because of the chemical composition of 300 series, they are nonmagnetic. They are categorized with slightly higher Cr (chromium) fraction stainless steels that is up to 11%. This much fraction results in production of an oxidation layer over the surface of material. This layer prevents the steel to be magnetized. Magnetization can occur in another way like by the addition of other magnetic metal in steel. This can create stainless steel magnetic. And sometime very low-level magnetization can be seen in some conditions. They still have the same properties of steel like high corrosion resistance, durability, and strength.
Is 304 Stainless Steel Magnetic
No, 304 stainless steel is not magnetic. You know this depends on their microstructure. They are categorized with high fraction of austinites in its microstructure. They are referred to as austenitic stainless steel. The presence of this type of microstructure is nonmagnetic in nature. This is due to the presence of low content of nickel and high level of carbon in its composition. Therefore, they are termed as nonmagnetic steels also as nonferromagnetic steel.
Is 316 Stainless Steel Magnetic
No, 316 stainless steel is not magnetic. They are molybdenum containing stainless steel. Molybdenum is a nonmagnetic material. and the stainless steel produced is not ferromagnetic steel. Their response to magnetic field is almost nil and thus they have most applications that are nonmagnetic.
Is 400 Series Stainless Steel Magnetic
The magnetic properties of stainless steels are highly dependent on the ratio of alloying elements in their structure. There are two kinds of structure present in stainless and that is austenitic and ferritic stainless steel. Nonmagnetic properties are resultant of austenite structure and magnetic properties are due to ferritic grains. In the 400 series, the commonly used nonmagnetic stainless steels is 405 stainless steels. The magnetic stainless steel is 439 which has weak magnetic properties. 410 stainless steel exhibits magnetic properties.
Is 410 Stainless Steel Magnetic
Yes, 410 stainless steels are magnetic. They have martensitic microstructure. These steels have high content of ferrites. martensite is a phase which is obtained only by heat treatment of stainless steel. Therefore, it is not naturally present tin stainless steel. These steels are permanent magnetic as in annealed forms and precipitation hardened forms. These also have good corrosion resistance and strength.
Is 430 Stainless Steel Magnetic
Yes, 430 stainless steels are magnetic. It is ferritic stainless steel. Hence it is ferromagnetic steel. The magnetization can be removed or weakened by simple procedures. Therefore, these are soft magnetic stainless steels. The 430 stainless steel contains less amount of nickel almost 1% and high chromium amount up to 18%. These exhibits good resistance to corrosion. They also have various magnetic applications.
Is Steel Magnetic
Yes, steel is magnetic. Magnetization is steels can occur by two techniques: by permanent magnets and by magnetic induction. Permanent magnets mean steel has its own magnetization and it is ferromagnetic steel while inducing magnetization implies an external magnetic field is used to generate magnetic properties of steel. The magnetic properties of stainless steel are permanent. And these are strong magnets because they have constant aligned magnetic domains.
Is Galvanized Steel Magnetic
You really have seen or used galvanized steels. It is a process of making steel corrosion resistance by adding zinc layer over the top of steel surface. This process is done by hot dipping method. But, its magnetic properties is the subject. It is generally considered magnetic or slight magnetic. Because zinc is nonmagnetic but steel under its surface is ferromagnetic. Therefore, galvanized steel can be magnetic under certain conditions.
Is Austenitic Stainless Steel Magnetic
No, austenitic stainless steels are nonmagnetic. You must know that the austenite phase of stainless steel is nonmagnetic in nature. Because the electrons in its atomic structure are randomly arranged. And they do not get aligned in the presence of magnetic fields. Therefore, the magnetic properties of stainless steels are absent in this stainless stee.
Is Martensitic Stainless Steel Magnetic
Yes, martensitic stainless steels are magnetic. The presence of heavy iron fraction in the microstructure causes ferromagnetic nature of these steels. Iron is found as ferrites. And the ferritic stainless stee have magnetization. The magnetic domains in this steel are aligned with the direction of magnetic field.
Is Surgical Steel Magnetics
The magnetic properties of surgical steel are decided by their composition and processing. You must be wondering how? If they have high chromium content like more than 16%, they are considered ferromagnetic. If the chromium content is lower than 16%, they are nonmagnetic. In some cases, they are heat treated to increase their strength and durability. This elevates the iron amount in their structure. Then they become ferromagnetic steel. Now, it is clear for you how the processing and composition can make them ferromagnetic or nonmagnetic.
Is Carbon Steel Magnetic
Yes, carbon steel is magnetic. High ferrites fraction in microstructure creates ferromagnetic steels. However, these are not so strong ferromagnetic steel as the other magnetic metals like neodymium. The magnetic properties of carbon come with the presence of 2 unpaired electrons in its p-shell. They contribute to making metallic bond producing a magnetic behavior inside its structure. But this magnetic nature is not so strong. That’s what makes it a moderate ferromagnetic steel.
Magnetic Stainless Steels Grades Chart
Magnetic stainless steels are ferromagnetic. composition plays an important role in their magnetization. Some common magnetic stainless steels are shown in the table:
Stainless steel grades |
Stainless steel type |
Type of Magnetism |
Description |
409 |
Ferritic stainless steel |
Ferromagnetic steels |
The ferritic stainless steels are free from austenite phase. They have iron amount and low Ni amount in their structure. |
430 |
439 |
410 |
Martensitic stainless steel |
Martensitic stainless steels possess heavy ferritic content. The magnetic permeability of steel is high. |
420 |
440 |
Non Magnetic Steel Grades Chart
Austenitic stainless steels are nonmagnetic steel grades. Common examples are shown in the table:
Stainless steel grades |
stainless steels type |
Type of Magnetism |
Description |
304 |
Austenitic stainless steel |
Paramagnetic/ nonmagnetic |
Austenitic stainless steels have high chromium and nickel content. Heavy chromium fraction results in the formation of oxide layer over the surface of material. That is why they are nonmagnetic. |
316 |
301 |
303 |
Steel Magnetic Properties
Steel is magnetic. The level of magnetization in steels varies with their structure. Hence, the magnetic properties are categorized as paramagnetic, and ferromagnetic in steels. The presence of heavy iron amount in steels makes them ferromagnetic steel. The magnetic properties in some steels are weak and do not exhibit magnetic field inside the material. They become magnetized in the presence of magnet bars. The magnetic domains in steel become aligned with the direction of magnetic field. This type of magnetization is weak and remains for a few hours. Ferromagnetic steels, on the other hand, are permanent magnets. Their own magnetic field can be observed inside the steels.
You must find another interesting point about ferromagnetic steel. The magnetization in steel can become weak with the increase in temperature. The magnetic permeability of steel becomes affected when they are treated with high temperature. This is called Curie point which results in loss in magnetization of steel. This means when a certain temperature is reached, they are no longer attracted to magnets. The magnetic domains of steel will lose their alignment and affect the magnetic permeability of steel. Saturation magnetization is also an important factor in steel. high iron content steels have high saturation magnetization. It is a maximum magnetic moment of a metal per unit volume.
The important magnetic properties of steel are:
- They have high strength and ductility.
- They possess better corrosion resistance.
- Ferromagnetic properties are resultant of high iron fraction in the material.
- The magnetic permeability of steel also depends on the carbon content. High carbon content can result in high magnetization of steel.
- The magnetic domains in steel are aligned in the presence of magnet but at a certain temperature (Curie point) they can lose their alignment.
- The saturation magnetization in steel is high because of iron content but it decreases with the increase in nickel content.
Why Stainless Steel is not magnetic?
Most stainless steel is not magnetic. Microstructural composition is the main factor in deciding the magnetic mature of stainless steels. If the amount or iron in less or amount of other alloying agent like nickel or chromium is more than certain limit, they prevent the production of ferrites in microstructure. The presence of ferrites increases the magnetic permeability of steel. It also affects the saturation magnetization of steels. These types of stainless steels are mostly austenitic. However, martensitic, and ferritic stainless steels are magnetic. stainless steels can be slightly magnetic due to the presence of weak magnetization. This happens due to the heat treatments of these steels. They weakness the magnetic properties of stainless steels. That is why stainless steel is not magnetic.
What makes steel magnetic?
High iron fraction in the microstructural composition makes the steels magnetic. Iron metal is a naturally powerful magnetic metal. If it is present in heavy amounts in any alloy, it makes the alloy magnetic like ferromagnetic steel. some steels have low iron content because of the presence of other alloying elements like chromium or nickel, copper. These all make the steel nonmagnetic or weak magnetic. Weak magnetic implies paramagnetic steel. Magnetization is poor and the magnetic domains in steels do not have a significant pattern. However, a specific arrangement can be observed when a strong magnet is brought close to them. This creates defined magnetic domains in steels. It also affects its saturation magnetization and magnetic permeability steel.
Does Magnet Stick to Stainless Steels?
It is important to know the types of stainless steels before knowing this. The austenitic stainless-steel grades cannot stick to magnets. While the martensite or ferrite types of stainless steels can stick to magnets. Martensitic and ferritic stainless steel are magnetic in nature and have stronger magnetic properties than austenitic steels. Another point is the strength of magnets. Weak magnets have no tendency to stick to the steels even if it is ferritic stainless steel.
Influence of Machining on the Magnetic Properties of Steel
Machining can have a severe effect on the magnetization of steel. It affects the magnetic permeability of steels and their saturation magnetization. The magnetic properties of steel can completely be altered by machining. Because machining causes the contamination of steel surface. There is a high chance that their composition also slightly changed. Because the small particles or metallic chips can stick to the surface of steel which can alter their composition.
Steel is the most widely used structural alloy. They exhibit high resistance to corrosion. They are also good in strength, durability and have a long service life. It utilizes a variety of applications such as civil, automotive, aerospace, aircraft, medical and many more. The stainless steels can be magnetic if they have high iron content.
Stainless steels are the type of steels which possess a high fraction of Cr and Ni in their microstructural compositions. They have a variety of applications in many fields. The magnetic properties of stainless steel are, however, not so good. The most grades of stainless steel possess low iron fraction. These are austenitic stainless steels and are nonmagnetic. And the type of stainless steels, with martensite and ferrites in their compositions, are magnetic. They both have heavy ferrite amount in their composition. The magnetic properties of stainless steel can be ferromagnetic or paramagnetic depending on their composition and heat treatment.
Tuofa CNC machining provides a large variety of sheet metal manufacturing, CNC machining and 3D printing services for a large variety of stainless steels grades. Tuofa provides the best stainless-steel products in the market.
FAQs about Steel Magnetic
Can any steel be magnetized?
Yes, steel can be magnetized. Steels have high iron content. It has high saturation magnetization and magnetic permeability of steel is good. The presence of weak magnetic properties in steel can also result in attraction toward strong magnets. And magnetization of steel can occur.
Is tool steel magnetic?
Tool steel is slightly magnetic. Heat treatment plays an important role in the degree of magnetization in tool steel. If they have undergone heavy heat treatment, there is a high chance they are not magnetic. The are called paramagnetic due to the presence of weak magnetic properties of steel.
Is all steel magnetic?
No, not all steels are magnetic. The magnetic property of steel is dependent on the composition and processing. If the iron content is high and a moderate heat treatment is given to them, they can show magnetization.