Does Iron Conduct Electricity

If someone asks you which is the common metal that we use in our daily life? Your answer must be iron or Fe which is correct. Actually, Fe has so many interesting features that excite scientists and engineers. Therefore, it is the most utilized material in engineering and domestic purposes. Here, we are focused on iron conductivity. Conductivity is a vital feature that can affect the purpose of application in any area. If a metal is conductive, it cannot be used openly in houses where there is wiring and cables nearby it. Proper protection must be required before its usage. Therefore, it is essential to know about the conductivity of a material before making it use for your project. This piece of writing will highlight iron conductivity in detail.
Is Iron a Conductive?
Yes, it is a conductive material. The chemical bonding has an essential role in iron conductivity. Fe possesses metallic bond. In this bonding. iron valence electrons are allowed to travel freely in all over the structure. Their movements are from one to another atom. The movement is known as delocalization. Due to this reason, Fe is considered an excellent conductor.
Is iron a good heat conductor?
Yes, it is a good heat conductor. Free electronic motion in iron is the reason for its being a conductive material. The thermal resistance is very low in Fe. That is why iron heat conductivity is high. Iron is used in cooking utensils due to this feature.
Is iron a good conductor of electricity?
Yes, it is good conductive material. Iron electrical conductivity is dominant because of the metallic bonding. Another reason is the iron valance electrons. Valance electrons are not bounded. Their motion is free in atoms. This movement is the reason for iron being a conductive material.
Thermal conductivity of iron
You must know about thermal conductivity. It is the ability to pass the heat through the material. Iron heat conductivity is excellent. Its value is 250 Watts per meter-Kelvin (W/m K) It has low heat resistance. resistance when there is obstacle in the pathway of valance. Iron valance electrons can move freely. When heat is applied, Fe behaves as a conductive material.
Thermal conductivity of cast iron
Cast iron is a variation of iron. When Fe has some C in its composition up to 4%, it is cast iron. The cast iron heat conductivity is not as good as Fe. It value is 52 (W/m K)/ It has low conductivity. Reason of low cast iron heat conductivity is carbon. It has resistance in electronic movement. This affects the cast iron conductivity. Cast iron conductivity is important in kitchen utensils applications. Low cast iron conductivity makes it a good utensil material.
Iron oxide conductivity
Iron has the feature of reacting with O2 and H2O immediately when it is kept open. It readily becomes iron oxide. Therefore, it is always found in oxide form naturally. Iron oxide conductivity is not so good. Presence of O2 in its composition obstruct the free movement. Iron valance electrons cannot move as they become bonded. This affects the iron electrical conductivity. And the original iron conductivity is not found in iron oxides. Iron oxide is not a good conductive material.
Thermal conductivity of grey cast iron
Grey cast iron is a variation of cast iron. It has Fe and C in the form of Iron carbide. Presence of Fe with C affects the iron conductivity. It works as obstruction for iron valance electrons. And they are unable to move freely. Therefore, grey cast iron conductivity is not good as Fe. It value is 53 (W/m K). In fact, they are poor conductors.
Fe2O3 electrical conductivity
Fe2O3 is rust. It has poor electrical conductivity. The bond between Fe and O2 is ionic. Ionic bond does not have free electron motion. If the iron valance electrons are not allowed to move freely, they are not conductive material. Fe2O3 has O2 and H2O with iron. The bonds and electronic motion are not remaining the same as in the Fe. Therefore, the iron conductive properties are not transferred to Fe2O3.
Fe3O4 electrical conductivity
It is oxide of iron commonly referred to magnetite. The Fe3O4 electrical conductivity is not good. It has ionic bond unlike the iron. Iron valance electrons cannot move freely as in pure Fe. The oxidation rate of Fe3O4 is very high. Presence of O2 has an affect on electrical conductivity of Fe3O4. They are poor conductors of electricity.
Is Iron a Conductor or Insulator?
Iron is a conductive material. Iron heat conductivity is very high, the same as its electrical conductivity. Insulators are those which have resistance in heat and electrical conductivity. They have not free valance electrons in its outermost shell. Most alloys of iron and oxides are insulators like Fe3O4 or steels.
Does soldering iron conduct electricity?
Soldering is a process of joining electrical circuit, Cu wires for electrical connections. Hence, soldering iron is a conductive material. current flow in soldering iron is very high. Fe itself is a conductive material. Iron heat conductivity and electrical conductivity are excellent.
Best Conductor of Electricity
Best conductive materials of electricity are metals. The reason is they have metallic bonds. They have free electrons to move around the atoms. Best conductors of electricity are:
- Silver
- Gold
- Platinum
- Aluminum
- Copper
- Mercury
Best Conductor of Heat
Best conductive materials of heat are metals. Metals have metallic bonds. They have a tendency to move their electrons freely around the crystal structure. Best conductors of heat are:
- Aluminum
- Copper
- Brass
- Tungsten
- Diamond
- Gold
- Silver carbide
- Aluminum nitrides
Application of Iron Electric Conductor
Iron electrical conductivity is excellent. It is also a cost-effective material for many uses. The applications of iron electrical conductors are as:
- Use in the electrical tools and equipment.
- Use in kitchen utensils for induction cooking.
- Use in clothes pressing as through passing heat and electricity.
- Use in fashion devices such as beauty tools hair curler, straightener, dryer They have ceramic plates and Fe is used between them.
- Use as casing material in electronic equipment.
- Other applications include tools, machine devices for household usage and in industry heavy machinery and mills are electrically connected by iron electrical conductor.