Custom Bike Stem | 50 Materials CNC Machining
Greetings, mountain bike lovers! Today we have an extensive discussion regarding buying a new stem for the bike hanging in your garage. If you are wondering what a stem is, it is the clamp the handlebars are attached to.
Most mountain bike items come in numerous lengths and dimensions. Moreover, they are manufactured with different materials, too. One of the recent additions to custom bike stems is CNC machining.
CNC machining is a professional form of cutting with a three-dimensional approach. Its benefits include precision, efficiency, and ease in using. We shall explain the benefits later. However, let us first discuss the features of what makes for a quality bike stem.
What makes a Good Bike Stem?
The numerous options overwhelm you when you step into the market to purchase a custom biking stem. The purchase is further complicated if you are a first-time buyer. Therefore, we present an extensive checklist below for an informed purchase. Here is your tour to an educational guide for a custom CNC bike stem.
Let's take a look.
Stem Length
When you purchase a custom bike stem, please pay special attention to its length. Even though the variable may seem simple, it is a crucial element that goes from front to back. You must also measure the stem length from the cap's middle to the handlebar's center point. The picture below is attached for reference for easy understanding.
The saddle rail position and stems angle determine the bike's reach. Additional parameters include the top length and the stem length too. However, the overall length plays a vital role in the final decision. It assists in easy riding when you go mountain biking. It will also contribute to handling the bike too.
Assuming the length is too long, mountain biking is challenging to ride at steep angles. Therefore, choose the average size for optimal weight distribution.
How short is too short?
Another component that makes a biking stem excellent is if it is not short enough. A bike with a severely shortened stem will result in rough riding. A stem must not be too short as it negatively affects the ride and the rider. Therefore, do not complement a short top tube with a custom bike stem. The terrain will become tough and unbalanced too. We suggest ensuring the length is 50 mm to 80mm.
Handlebar length
Handlebars are another factor to consider when purchasing a custom bike stem. Handlebars signal where your hands are placed. As a result, your positioning and weight shift to the front. Riders have installed shorter stems with longer handlebars to facilitate easy driving. The option adds stability and better control too.
Stem rise
A custom bike stem is available in wide different varieties of rising. The term refers to placing the stem's angle on the bike's body. The trend is evident because stems have shortened in size in recent times. Therefore, the rise does not make a huge difference.
Assuming you want a higher bike front, you must purchase bars with a high angle. In other words, you need handlebars with a high rise. The handlebar will also factor in your height and weight too. On the other hand, seek flat bars if you want a declined front.
Statistically speaking, the perfect rise is five to six degrees. A zero-degree rise complements stems shorter than 70mm. It is a neutral placement at the bar clamp.
Bar diameter
The next variable to inquire about is the bar diameter from the stem to the handlebars. According to industry standards, if you have purchased a new bike, the diameter is around 32 mm. The diameter has increased from 25mm, the previous industry standard. You can measure using tape or a ruler too.
Surprisingly, the diameter standards are constantly changing. You can opt for a 35mm stem diameter from stiff handlebars. However, with these settings, you may need to buy a bike sooner than later.
One of the most crucial components to browse for is stem construction. Not so surprisingly, all custom bike stems are now made from aluminium. Steel is exclusive to inexpensive bikes for children and novices. However, titanium was used in the 1990s that is now replaced with cotton fibre. The newer material is more durable with a reduced cost price.
Aluminium alloy stems are very costlier to forge. Moreover, bikers are also attracted to the CNC bike stem, which represents their taste.CNC bike stem uses a 4-bold design placed behind the front bar clamp. They will not rust, core, or stiffen unexpectedly, as these problems were commonly found in 2-bolt designs.
Does a custom CNC bike stem look cool?
While you are deciding on purchasing a CNC bike stem, you may also wonder whether it will look good or not. The thought is justified as it is an investment. Following are some scenarios where the custom bike stem will look cool.
Leisure bike
Regarding leisure riders, you do not need to worry about weight and design. You can purchase an 80mm CNC bike stem that will accommodate handlebars and provide easy riding. Continue browsing options to buy it on sale if money is not an option.
Routine riders
The second option is for the regular riders. They are advised to purchase the short stems so the frame tube does not get cramped. The restriction is not beneficial for riding. The required length is 60 to 70 mm, so you do not regret the choice later.
The last mention on the list is racers. These professionals are suggested to avoid weighted steps. Their component to focus on is the stiffness of the CNC bike stem. The standard length is 35 mm with a carbon fibre option too.
Is CNC stem good for MTB?
Technology is associated with manufacturing, from prototypes to the products reaching the shelves. One aspect of the technology is CNC machining or computer numerical control. Here are some of the advantages of incorporating modern technology into mountain biking
Excellent craftsmanship
CNC machining use is growing in the manufacturing industry. The trend is because of reduced operating costs and enhanced efficiency. The technology is controlled by a computer where the internal programming will cut, drill, and shape the parts. The process results in expert craftmanship and material with perfect precision.
These machines are common in the medical, automotive, and aviation industries. Industries are also shifting to employ CNC machining because of reduced costs. They replace manual labour, thus eliminating operating expenses. Machines rather than humans now do cutting and drilling.
CNC machining is also very precise in manufacturing aluminium alloy stems. It is preferred to handcrafting, which takes longer and results in errors. The technology allows manufacturers to produce custom bike stems a lot easier. The increased efficiency is just another benefit.
Moreover, CNC machining will also result in more production at a wider scale. The orders are completed in time with time to spare. Furthermore, the CNC machining stem will also eliminate the chances of error. Wastage is highly minimized to more than 95%. Lastly, the technology is more environmentally friendly too. It reduces the need for labour, which eliminates transportation costs.
Quality assurance
CNC machining also guarantees quality. When employed in cutting, the technology results in precise movements. Accuracy is CNC machining stems is exactly as projected. It results in better-quality products, which ensures customer loyalty.
CNC machining is the go-to option for manufacturing complicated MTB body parts. Besides custom bike stems, CNC is used in the medical industry for surgical equipment and prosthetics. Even though the technology is still new, it has already turned heads in the manufacturing industry. The enhanced quality and less time are only some of the benefits.
CNC machining is very versatile in producing different body parts. They are especially helpful in intricate custom bike stem with the help of instruments available. Mountain bikes today come with complicated parts that will break easily if manufactured with defective material. CNC machine prevents it from happening to ensure their investment provides long-term results. The precision and credible assistance CNC machining offer is long-term.
Machining in the manufacturing industry is not a single process. It consists of slotting, punching, turning, sawing, and milling. CNC machining significantly assists in these steps to ensure the workers stay safe and are not injured. A common example is CNC protecting labourers from falling or crushing metal chips.
Moreover, the CNC does not require an operator to run its machinery. It is computer controlled, so the operator will not get injured from metal dust. Machines sometimes produce extreme temperatures. Therefore, CNC machining will prevent the employees from damaging their eyes, lungs, and lungs.
Advantages of CNC Aluminum Alloy MTB Stem
Mountain bike manufacturers are searching for newer ideas for enhancing user experience. Sometimes, the CNC machining is not enough for the required precision. Undoubtedly, accuracy is an excellent criterion for the final product. CNC machines stand out because they work well with various metals such as aluminium.
Aluminium is known to simplify the entire manufacturing process. However, the alloy and aluminium grades are subjected to mountain bike strength. The discussion below presents the advantages of using standard aluminium alloy in mountain bike manufacturing.
Excellent machine cooperation
Aluminium is easier for machines to work with than other metals. The metal chips make it cooperative for CNC machining to perform the complicated steps without hurting the metal.
Resistant to corrosion
When exposed to air or other mediums which are oxygen-based, aluminium begins to form a film. This is known as aluminium oxide, which prevents the metal from rusting and chemical corrosion. The anti-resistant property makes it the perfect material for a custom bike stem.
Aluminium also has enhanced recycling potential. The material is ideal for businesses looking to minimize wastage for sustainability. Since CNC is also sustainability-focused, it further promotes greener practices.
The trend in custom metal CNC bike stems
Before we conclude the well-rounded CNC discussion, MTB stems follow certain trends in the market. The options will accommodate different fits and features. Therefore, picking the appropriate custom bike stem matters. Following are some of the trends to properly guide you.
Downhill bikes
Most mountain bikes going downhill terrain use a 40 mm to 55 direct MTB stem. It is installed at the top of the fork's crown and next to the steer. The downhill bikes welcome numerous rise options. However, a zero-degree rise is preferred.
Trail bikes
The second trend on the list is enduro bikes. These are also known as trail bikes, perfect for mountainous terrains and trail passes. The stems on such miles are between 50 mm to 70 mm in length. The rise varies between zero to six degrees. Enduro bikes provide an aggressive approach toward paddling. They are compatible with the fit and handling for efficient manoeuvring.
Cross country bikes
Lastly, we need to talk about cross-country bikes. The stem on these ranges between 80 mm to 120 mm with a maximum of thirty degrees. The long stems ensure the ride can see afar. As a result, you can ride the steep heels with the weight shift more efficiently.
The Bottom Line—CNC bike stem
When going to ride, we all need custom bike stems. You will need one if you want to upgrade the bike, or perhaps the article has convinced you it is time to try something new. There are many affordable options in the market. However, you must understand the characteristics before making the final decision.
In a nutshell, go with a longer CNC bike stem if your terrain is rocky and steep. On the other hand, opt for a shorter custom bike stem if you seek comfort. The size will keep your back upright, putting less pressure on it. Lastly, always use the aluminium alloy stem for reliability and longer use.
CNC machining is on its way to becoming a global focus in the industries. Therefore, purchase a CNC bike stem to experience the unique advantages. Hopefully, the read was informative enough to guide your next custom bike stem purchase.